Update date: 13.12.2023
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Aviation specialties in Czech universities: from management to professional pilot

Aviation specialties in Czech universities: from management to professional pilot - 1

Aviation is a very vast industry, which involves specialists of various profiles and qualifications: pilots, engineers, logisticians, economists, air traffic controllers and many others. In this article we will talk about the main areas of study related to aviation, as well as consider the list of universities in the Czech Republic, where you can study them.

WHERE TO STUDY aviation specialties in the Czech Republic?

Considering that aviation is mostly a technical field, you should look for aviation-related specialties primarily in technical universities. These are the state-run ČVUT v Praze (Prague Technical University), VUT v Brně (Technical University in Brno) and Univerzita obrany (University of Defense) in Brno. In private universities "air transportation" is studied at the Trade Institute in Prague (Vysoká škola obchodní) and the Institute of Logistics in Přerov.

List of specialties and universities

Air Transport, Technical University of Brno, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Master's Degree / Letecký provoz (Mgr.) - VUT v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství.

Faculty website: www.lu.fme.vutbr.cz

The specialty Air Traffic is aimed at training engineers and managers in the field of air traffic management and maintenance of air fleet, airport management. In the course of their studies, students acquire both technical knowledge (principles of airplane design, flight safety issues, ensuring repair of aircraft) and knowledge in the field of economic disciplines.

Conditions of admission to the Master's program in Czech universities

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering of the FSI Faculty or other specialties with a corresponding structure of disciplines are admitted to this specialty. The admission decision is based on the conclusions of the admission committee, which evaluates the applicants' knowledge in the technical field.

Aeronautical Engineering, Master's Degree, Technical University of Brno / Stavba letadel (Mgr.) - VUT v Brně, Fakulta strojního inženýrství

Faculty website: lu.fme.vutbr.cz 

This study program is aimed at training future designers and researchers in the field of aeronautical engineering. Students acquire knowledge in aerodynamics and flight mechanics, aircraft design, reliability and strength of structural materials. Graduates easily obtain positions in public and private enterprises of the aviation industry.

Aviation specialties in Czech universities: from management to professional pilot - 2

Entry requirements

This specialty is open to graduates of the Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering of the FSI Faculty. For graduates of other technical fields, there is an additional written examination, and knowledge of mathematics, physics and other technical subjects is taken into account.

Aircraft Maintenance Technology, Prague University of Technology, Bachelor's Degree / Technologie údržby letadel (Bc.) - ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta dopravní.

This program prepares future specialists in aircraft maintenance. Graduates can perform the duties of aircraft mechanics, technical engineers in airlines, specialists in working with technical documentation of aircraft manufacturers and airlines.

Entry requirements

Admission is possible with a high school diploma with grades in exact sciences. A written test in mathematics is possible.

Air Transportation, ČVUT in Prague, Bachelor's Degree /Letecká doprava (Bc.) - ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta dopravní.

This specialization is designed to train future professionals in the field of air transportation. Within the curriculum, students study business activities in the field of air transportation, air traffic management, basics of navigation, flight planning and peculiarities of airport operation. The technical part of the program includes the study of aircraft engine designs, their technical characteristics. Economic and legal basics of air transportation complete the academic plan.

Graduates find application of their knowledge in middle management positions of air enterprises, as well as in state bodies for supervision and control over air transportation.

Air Transportation Operation and Management, Trade Institute in Prague / Provoz a řízení letecké dopravy (Bc.) - Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze

Specialists are trained to provide air transportation services in the tourism industry. Emphasis is placed on in-depth study of the following disciplines:

  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Geography
  • Accounting and economics in tourism
  • Marketing, management and international trade market studies
  • Law
  • Basics of psychology and sociology
  • Informatics
  • Technologies of services in tourism industry.

Graduates can work in airline services, ticketing services, hotel business, insurance and other industries.

University of Defense, Faculty of Military Technology /Univerzita obrany, Fakulta vojenských technologií

The University of Defense in Brno is the only military institution of higher education in the Czech Republic, whose activities are regulated by the Czech Ministry of Defense. For foreigners, this university has a number of restrictions (for admission to military specialties it is necessary to have Czech citizenship). Foreign applicants can only apply for civilian specialties.

Faculties and programs of the university related to aviation:

Which universities in the Czech Republic train professional pilots?

Becoming a pilot is by no means the easiest path. In addition to a thorough knowledge of technical parameters, you need to be physically and mentally fit. In this part of the article we will talk about universities that train professional civil aviation pilots.

In Prague, pilots are trained at the Faculty of Transport of the Prague Technical University (ČVUT). The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University in Brno (in Czech or English) is another option for obtaining a profession.

Experience flight once, and your eyes will forever be fixed on the sky. Once there, you are doomed to yearn for it for the rest of your life.

Aviation specialties in Czech universities: from management to professional pilot - 3

Admission requirements

CVUT selects applicants based on the results of examinations in mathematics and English. It is obligatory to have (obtain) a Medical Certificate of the first category, which is issued by the Institute of Aviation Health Care on the basis of a medical examination. It is possible to enter VUT by passing a written examination in mathematics and physics. The conditions of admission may change from year to year, the current requirements can be found on the official website of the university.

How do I study?

It is important to keep in mind that training in the specialty of "Professional Pilot" at the university does not imply obtaining actual access to independent flights. The university provides the necessary theoretical knowledge in the field of aviation. Successful completion of the study program is an "entrance ticket" to the examinations of the Ministry of Civil Aviation of the Czech Republic. Practical flight training must be paid for by the student either on his/her own or with the sponsorship of a future employer. The cost of the "practical part" depends on the price of aviation fuel and minimally amounts to 700,000 CZK (about 27,000 euros). As professionals note, these costs are later covered by the pilots' high salaries.

It is possible to become a professional pilot without graduating from a higher education institution. However, having a higher education will be an undoubted "bonus" when competing for a pilot position.

Both ČVUT and VUT are full-time bachelor's programs. Graduates of ČVUT can further enroll for a Master's degree in Provoz letecké dopravy, while at VUT a Master's degree is available in Letecký provoz.

What subjects do future pilots study?

Students study basic subjects for the first two semesters. Specialized subjects begin in the second year. In the process of training they take courses in mathematics, physics, aerodynamics, "copromat", statics, dynamics, electrical engineering and electronics, meteorology and other disciplines. Special attention is paid to the laws of aviation and the peculiarities of airport operation. The practical part of training lasts for a maximum of 3 years.

Employment of graduates of Czech universities

Graduates of the above-mentioned specialties can become professional civil aviation pilots or perform other duties related to air transportation (air cabs, piloting agricultural aircraft, firefighting with the help of airplanes, etc.). The certificate obtained in the Czech Republic is valid in 35 countries of the world, so those wishing to find employment in Western airlines have a wide range of prospects. It should be noted that pilot training in the Czech Republic is also attractive due to relatively low costs. In the USA or Germany, the final cost of a certificate can be several times higher than in the Czech Republic.

The salary level of a pilot is influenced by many factors, such as the type of airliner, place of employment and seniority, financial policy of the airline, etc. According to 2017 data published by the Czech Statistical Agency, the average income of a civilian airplane pilot of Czech airlines is 109,000 CZK. In 2020, salaries in the Czech Republic have changed.

How to enter as a foreign applicant? Czech language requirements and preparation

Foreign applicants are admitted to Czech universities on the same basis as residents of the country. Given the specificity of this technical field, foreigners must have both basic language knowledge (at least B2 level) and a vocabulary of specialized technical terminology. Moreover, it is necessary to show high knowledge of physics, mathematics and foreign languages at the entrance examinations. It is better to start language and profile preparation in advance. Prospective students can take language courses at Prague Education Center. The language school offers full-fledged training for applicants applying for technical specialties.

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